Playin Hooky Since The 90's
Let go of your responsibilities for a while...
Welcome to my slice of internet. Here you'll find earnest passion and enthusiasm for games, shows, and various hobbies. Society has been poisoned by irony, and many may find this page "cringe", if that's you there's no shame in it but please be on your way :3
If you're like me and aren't affected by "cringe", I hope you enjoy your stay! There's not much currently, but I'm slowly working on it. I've only had this place for almost a year.
Anyhow, feel free to explore the links, each page has different ones because what the hell is consistency? Also, none of this is very mobile friendly, sorry! u.u
Don't forget to say hi in the C-Box, I check it periodically~

Slackers C-Box
- Updates -
- 10th - Added a new neighbor to the buttons, updating blog, adding a second page to the RWBY shrine :o (first shrine to get multiple pages???)
- 29th - Blog Update, discovered code for web player has messed with heading tags, don't think there's a way around that... live and learn I guess
- 23rd - Finally found a workable music player! adding to all pages soon, just gotta figure out the track font and why it's not staying black like I told it to
- 20th - All the sidebar dragons died, not enough clicks :,(. New dragon egg added. Blog update. Addition to RWBY Shrine
- 8th - Blog Update, Added Trans resources on Blog sidebar, request for readers to keep living. Please keep living!
- 25th - Updated landing page with some additional text, Blog update, minor shrine clean up (Adding more coherent thoughts and some whimsy)
- 5th - Updated landing page with new text, Blog update
- 5th - Cleaned up RWBY shrine, Blog update, Updated some links on the LOZ shrine
- 5th - Started work on RWBY shrine, Blog update
- 11th - Got rid of the webdeck player nonsense!